T33 Re-Mineralization Post Filter
The re-mineralization filter increases the oxygen content of your drinking water up to 25% and increases the pH of your water to help maintain the optimal pH for your body. Having the right pH level lowers stress on your organs and helps prevent illness and disease. Adding and mineral filter to your water supplies your body with essential minerals such as calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K) and Magnesium (Mg).
Calcium (Ca): A basic building material for healthy teeth and bones, calcium also aids in proper digestion and is essential to the health and function of the heart, arteries and muscles.
Magnesium (Mg): Used in over 300 different biochemical functions inside the human body and is a key factor in the immune system and proper blood circulation. Studies show it may prevent certain forms of cancer, atherosclerosis, strokes and kidney stones.
Potassium (K): Vital for the function of all the cells in the human body, especially in the nerve and brain cells, It’s an essential micronutrient that pays an important role in maintaining the human body’s electrolyte balance.
Sodium (Na): Is responsible for controlling the water absorption and retention by a human body as well as proper balance of pH is an excellent moderator of blood.
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